Main Street Holly Downtown Development Authority
Adopt A Garden Program Outline
Goals and Purpose
The Goal of the program is to develop a well-organized Adopt A Garden Program that mobilizes a corps of volunteer gardeners to plant and maintain beautiful gardens in the parks and public spaces around the Village of Holly’s DDA. Its purpose is to provide adopters with an active role in the community by maintaining and improving the Village’s gardens, as well as providing a way to grow pride in the community.
Adoption Eligibility
Businesses, civic organization, clubs and community groups as well as anyone 18 years or older are eligible. One does not have to be a resident of the Village of Holly to be eligible.
Procedure for Adopting
Those interested in adopting a garden must fill out the application form provided after having reviewed the guidelines and information packet. The DDA will adopt gardens out on a first come, first serve basis. Gardens are to be selected from the list of available gardens. Once all of those are adopted, then new gardens may be added as needed or requested.
Each following year, the adopters from the previous year will be invited to continue their adoption with the same garden. Should the adopter no longer wish to participate, the garden will then be available for re-adoption.
Responsibilities and Expectations of the Adopter
1. The Adoption Season consists of a 7 month period; April – October.
2. Upon approval of the garden adoption, each gardener will be asked to provide a copy of the gardens plan to the program coordinator for review and approval. This can be a simple drawing of your plans, along with a list of plants suggested. While gardeners are encouraged to be creative with garden planting, they must also be aware of the challenges to also consider, i.e., drought, animals, pedestrians, traffic visibility, etc… A gardening advisor is available to meet with the adopter, give guidance and provide input on design, plant selection, maintenance, etc…
3. Gardeners are encouraged to plant densely. A standard rule calls for twice as many plants as you would plant at home. For success in your gardening efforts, pick plants that are appropriate to the site conditions of your adopted garden, i.e., sun/shade, soil, drought. A list of suggested plants selected for their durability, appearance and ease of care will be provided.
4. In order to keep the gardens looking beautiful, it is suggested that adopters spend at least one hour per week maintaining their garden. This includes, watering, trimming, weeding, deadheading, mulching and garbage/debris removal. Watering is essential as the vast majority of the gardens are not near a hose bib and none are irrigated by the Village. It is essential that drought tolerant plants be used to reduce the watering needs.
5. Garden activities must be performed between 8am and 8pm. Participants under the age of 15 years of age must have adequate supervision as most gardens are near a busy street.
6. Proper attire, gloves and shoes are suggested for safety sake.
7. Adopters must supply their own tools. Any additional plants beyond those already in the garden upon adoption will need to be provided by the adopter. A list of participating nursery/gardening businesses will be provided.
8. If for any reason circumstances require you to take a temporary leave from your garden (health, extended travel, etc…) please notify the coordinator so that we may find an assistant to maintain your site during your absence.
9. If the garden is neglected with little to no activity, attempts will be made to contact the adopter to determine the situation. It will be at the discretion of the coordinator and the Village DDA to assess the situation and possibly reopen the garden in question for re-adoption.
Department of Public Works Assistance
Please be aware that there are some services available through the DPW to support the gardening efforts. At least two (2) weeks advance notice is advised, especially during the busiest summer months.
Services include:
Services include:
- Compost Drop-off
- Larger scale debris pick-up (must be placed in paper bags or bundled at curb and call DPW)
Chemical Usage
- Pesticide usage is not permitted by volunteers.
- To inhibit weeds, a natural, biodegradable method such as mulch on top of a cardboard (recycled boxes)base or a spray consisting of Vinegar and Salt is suggested. (Recipe available)
- Regarding fertilizer, it is preferred that a biodegradable, natural substance such as compost be used. Any additional use of fertilizers, such as a slow release, non-toxic fertilizer, should be used sparingly and with approval by the DPW.
- The following are excellent resources on this topic:
The Garden Hotline (MSU Extension Service) – 248-858-0902
The Garden Hotline (MSU Extension Service) – 248-858-0902
Adopt a Garden Signage
An Adopt a Garden Sign will be provided consisting of:
- Main Street Holly DDA Logo
- Adopters Name, Business/Club Logo, etc…
If you are interested in one of the gardens to adopt please check the list below and fill out this form: Adopt a Garden Registration .
Once you fill out the form the adopt a garden coordinator will send you an agreement to sign.
Once you fill out the form the adopt a garden coordinator will send you an agreement to sign.